Tuesday, December 10, 2019
The Analysis of Three Research Approaches
Question: Discuss about literature review on business and management research? Answer: Introduction: Two very common yet very useful research approaches are Quantitative research and Qualitative research approaches. Both the methods though commonly considered, differ fundamentally. However, their goals and their applications are different in numerous ways. Qualitative research focuses to achieve quantification of data. Quantitative research gives the opportunity of generalizing the results from a chosen sample to the total available respondents and the evaluation of the event of several ideas and opinions on the basis of a structured research instrument. On the other hand, qualitative research is applicable for achieving an in-depth observation of underlying causes and motivations. The primary objective of the qualitative research approach is to develop ideas and hypotheses for future quantitative research works. Major differences between these two research methodologies are their respective processes of data collection method, data analysis method and outcomes (Al 2013). Data colle ction methods in qualitative research method are seldom based on semi-structured, but methodologically flexible techniques like individual interviews and group discussions. These methods are absolutely perfect for collecting comprehensive views in depth. Quantitative research, on the other hand, uses highly organized and rigid techniques such as online questionnaires, interviews (public interviews or telephone interviews). Quantitative research method is different from qualitative research method as it allows unlimited expressions from participants. The response of the participants depends on the pre-formed questions (Eaton 2013). In case of data analysis, qualitative data analysis follows non-statistical methods. Its methodological approach is guided by the theories, models and other existing materials. On the other hand, in quantitative research, the sole approach of data is statistical and takes place in the form of tabulations. Findings are basically descriptive in nature although conclusive only within the numerical framework. This assignment will focus on describing these two research methods in depth to find out different methods and procedures used in each of these methods (Klassen et al. 2013). Literature Review: Qualitative research method: Qualitative research focuses to gain a detail understanding on definite organization or incident rather than explanation of a bulky sample population. It has the aim of providing an unambiguous representation of the structure, order and wide patterns found in the group of participants. Qualitative research method is also known as field research or ethnomethodology that collects data from groups of people in specific social or organizational settings. This research method mostly uses observation as its data collection method. This is done by selecting and recording the behaviors of people in their respective environments. This method strongly believes that observation is useful for collecting depth description on organizations or on events, for collecting data and information that are inaccessible otherwise. This method is used when other methods become inadequate for collecting derived data (Mitchell and Jolley 2013). Observation includes taking notes about the behaviors of the participants, setting, purpose, social and organizational behavior and the frequency and duration of singularities. Non-verbal communications, verbal communication and physical phenomenon can be used to complete an observation. While doing a qualitative research an observation must include the following characteristics (Thomas 2013). Observation must follow the formulated research purpose Observation and its methods must relate with the existing literature and theories Observation should be planned in a systematic manner While collecting data, again organized and systematic methods must be used Collected data is refined into general propositions and hypotheses While doing qualitative research method, it is important to keep in mind six important factors namely proper choice of a site and description of indicators, concepts and problems, proper strategy to start the research, selecting people and events to observe that can provide desired data, develop an amicable relation with the participants, analyze the observation in every stage and final analyze and interpretation (Wang and Mao 2012). While conducting qualitative research it is important toask questions like: who is doing or involved in something, how is it done, for what kind of reasons, what is done, what kind of steps are followed and in what kind of order, what kind of strategies are used, what are the consequences of doing or not doing something, why is this like this, wherefore is it done and why. Quantitative research method: Quantitative research method is known as an Explaining phenomena by collecting mathematical data that is analyzed using arithmetical methods. While conducting a quantitative research work, the primary goal is to decide the connection between a dependent variable and an independent variable of the research area. Quantitative research method strictly follows either descriptive method or experimental method (Alvesson and Sandberg 2013). In case of descriptive methods, subjects are measured only once but in experimental methods subjects are considered earlier and after an action. A descriptive study is said to establish only associations between variables, on the other hand, experimental study established casualty. Quantitative research focuses on numbers, logic and an objective stance. It does not follow different ways of thinking which is defined as the development of a bunch of ideas regarding a research problem in an unstructured and free flowing manner (Brown and Stowers 2013). It follows numeric and staticata and comprehensive, convergent calculation. The characteristics of quantitative research method are mentioned below, Use of organized research instruments is necessary to gather data in quantitative method. Comparatively larger sample sizes are collected to find a result. The sample size depends on the population and number of participants. Using clearly defined research questions, objective answers are sought. Various aspects of the study are designed before data collection procedure. Various instruments such as survey questionnaires, IT tools are used to collect the numerical data. Mixed research method: This methodology is used for conducting research that includes collecting, analyzing and integrating quantitative and qualitative research. Quantitative method includes experiments and surveys and qualitative method includes focus groups and interviews. When neither qualitative nor quantitative method can provide desired data on a problem or on a topic, then this mixed method is used to fulfill the purpose of a research (Chandra and Sharma 2013). The combination of the qualitative and quantitative research approaches provide the opportunity of achieving broader and indepth understanding and justification at the time of offsetting the weaknesses of the individual approaches. The most significant advantage of using this method is the possibility of triangulation. This method can use several means like methods, data sources and researches to examine a particular phenomenon (Mertens 2014). This method can be used when, It becomes important to validate or corroborate the results collected from other methods. When using one method like qualitative method, becomes important to describe and organize the other method like quantitative method. When findings from one method like qualitative method demands the help of the other method like quantitative method to reveal the depth meaning. Discussion: In order to discuss the practical application of the three research processes, three journal articles have been chosen. The three articles are selected from the Journal of Marketing. The three articles are written by following the quantitative, qualitative and the mixed method of research individually. Qualitative research methods: Qualitative research is used for seeking a descriptive answer of the research questions. The different methods used in this type of research works are observation, in-depth interviews and focus groups. Observations are used for collecting the data from the natural behavior of the respondents. In depth interviews are used for collecting the data by asking research related questions to the respondents. Sometimes the data can also be collected by observing the group activities of people. This is called the focus group method of collecting the data of a research work (Bryman and Bell 2015). The article Belief in a Just World: Consumer Intentions and Behaviors Toward Ethical Products written by Katherine White, Rhiannon MacDonnell, John H. Ellard is about consumer behavior. The research work was conducted by following the qualitative research technique. The method used for the data collection as the observation of the natural activity of the participants. The activities of the behavior of total 147 customers were observed for gathering the data about the perception of the customers. There were 95 women and 52 men among the chosen population. An article was given to the customers and they were told to imagine a particular situation and take a proper decision. Decisions of each of the participants were collected and analyzed to understand the psychology of the customers (White, MacDonnell and Ellard 2012). Sampling in qualitative research: There are two popular methods for the sampling process in the area of marketing research. They are probability sampling technique and non-probability sampling technique. Generally the qualitative research works are conducted by following the non-probability sampling technique where the numbers of respondents are less and they are chosen as per the choice of the researchers. In this case, the number of population was huge that was used for the data collection. The probability sampling technique was used in this case. The 147 customers were selected randomly from the total population available at the time of the research work. Data analysis in qualitative research: The collected data are generally analyzed by applying deep observation and analysis. In this case, this process is used for analyzing the perceptions of the customers chosen as the respondents of the research study (Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault 2015). Quantitative research methods: Quantitative research methods are used where the data can be analyzed through the use of mathematical or statistical tools. The most popular method used for collecting the data of the quantitative research work is the survey method. The article chosen for understanding the practical application of the quantitative research work is Generating Sales While Providing Service: A Study of Customer Service Representatives Ambidextrous Behavior written by Claudia Jasmand, Vera Blazevic, Ko de Ruyter. The research work was conducted by using two online surveys about the activities of CSRs. The total population used for the survey was 119 CSRs where 68 were female respondents. The responses were collected and then summarized for analyzing them through the use of statistical method for understanding the overall result of the survey conducted for the research work (Jasmand, Blazevic and de Ruyter 2012). Sampling in quantitative research: Generally the probability sampling technique is used for conducting the quantitative research work. In this case also, the probability sampling technique was used. Simple Random Process of the probability sampling technique was used in this research work. The 119 CSRs were chosen randomly for from 25 different teams. On an average 4.76 respondents were chosen from each of the teams. The respondents were chosen almost equally from two call centers (Jasmand, Blazevic and de Ruyter 2012). Data analysis in quantitative research: The statistical analysis is used for analyzing the data gathered in the quantitative research works (Zikmund et al. 2012). The computerized statistical tools were used in the case of the chosen research work. The data is summarized in a tabular format and the statistical analysis was applied on the data. Percentage analysis and some other descriptive statistics were used for the analysis of the data (Jasmand, Blazevic and de Ruyter 2012). Mixed research methods: Mixed research method is nothing but the hybrid of the quantitative and qualitative research approaches. Go Green! Should Environmental Messages Be So Assertive? written by Ann Kronrod, Amir Grinstein, Luc Wathieu, is journal article where the mixed research method is used for conducting the research work. The online survey and the observation both are used for the research work for understanding the impact of the environmental messages. The data analysis of the whole research work is done by following the statistical analysis and the observation method as per the type of the data collected in the mixed research method of the research study (Kronrod, Grinstein and Wathieu 2012). Conclusion of the findings: The main difference between the quantitative research and qualitative research methods is about the flexibilities. Normally, quantitative methods are quite rigid. The survey questionnaires used in the quantitative research approach uses the same procedure for all the respondents. Generally close ended questions are used for the survey methods of the quantitative research works. The benefit of this rigidness is that it provides the opportunity of conducting meaningful comparisons of the responses of the respondents and studying sites. Qualitative research works are conducted by using the observation method which can be different for different respondents. Mixed method gives strengths for minimizing the individual weaknesses of quantitative and qualitative research approaches. However, this method also has some disadvantages too. As it uses both qualitative and quantitative method, the execution of mixed method is very complex. This method consumes more time and resources to plan and i mplement. Besides, it is difficult to resolve discrepancies that arise while evaluating the findings. References: Al, S. 2013. Interpretive research design: concepts and processes. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 16(4), pp.351-352. Alvesson, M. and Sandberg, J. 2013. Constructing Research Questions. London: SAGE Publications. Brown, J. and Stowers, E. 2013. Use of Data in Collections Work: An Exploratory Survey.Collection Management, 38(2), pp.143-162. Bryman, A. and Bell, E., 2015.Business research methods. Oxford University Press, USA. Chandra, S. and Sharma, M. 2013. Research methodology. Oxford: Alpha Science International Ltd. Eaton, S. 2013. The Oxford handbook of empirical legal research. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 16(6), pp.548-550. Jasmand, C., Blazevic, V. and de Ruyter, K., 2012. Generating sales while providing service: A study of customer service representatives' ambidextrous behavior.Journal of Marketing,76(1), pp.20-37. Klassen, A., Creswell, J., Plano Clark, V., Smith, K. and Meissner, H. 2012. Best practices in mixed methods for quality of life research. Qual Life Res, 21(3), pp.377-380. Kronrod, A., Grinstein, A. and Wathieu, L., 2012. Go green! Should environmental messages be so assertive?.Journal of Marketing,76(1), pp.95-102. Mertens, D.M., 2014.Research and Evaluation in Education and Psychology: Integrating Diversity With Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods: Integrating Diversity With Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods. Sage Publications. Mitchell, M. and Jolley, J. 2013. Research design explained. Australia: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Taylor, S.J., Bogdan, R. and DeVault, M., 2015.Introduction to qualitative research methods: A guidebook and resource. John Wiley Sons. Thomas, J. 2013. Empathic design: Research strategies. Australasian Medical Journal, 6(1), pp.1-6. Wang, S. and Mao, H. 2012. The Strategy Research of Modern Service Industry Development. Asian Social Science, 8(2). White, K., MacDonnell, R. and Ellard, J.H., 2012. Belief in a just world: Consumer intentions and behaviors toward ethical products.Journal of Marketing,76(1), pp.103-118. Zikmund, W., Babin, B., Carr, J. and Griffin, M., 2012.Business research methods. Cengage Learning.
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